To Our Members:

I wanted to bring everyone up to date on our Spring Hunt Test, which had been rescheduled for June 13 and 14. Unfortunately, Governor Carney has extended the state of emergency from May 15, to May 31, with the possibility of a further extension beyond that date. In addition, the rule prohibiting gatherings of more than 10 people will most likely extend beyond May 31, regardless if the state of emergency is rescinded. So what does all this mean? It means that the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife won't issue a permit for us to hold the Hunt Test. I spoke with them Friday, May 8, and they said no permits would be issued until after the restriction on gatherings of more than 10 is lifted. Therefore we regret we will not be holding a Spring Hunt Test this year. Since we are unable to hold the Spring Hunt Test, we plan on holding a Master Only Hunt Test on September 16 and 17 in addition to our normal Fall Hunt Test scheduled for September 19 and 20. We will make an announcement regarding this as soon as we get all the necessary approvals.

As of this writing, no firm decision has been made regarding the Judges Seminar scheduled for June 6, and our normal club training day scheduled for June 18. As soon as we have any further information will will send it via email, and post it on our website and Facebook page. I hope everyone is healthy and staying safe as we continue to deal with the COVID19 situation, and hopefully we will be able to get back to some sort or normalcy soon!

Barry Gunning President, FSRC
